How Essential Oils Work

Invented in the 15th century, Thieves Oil was created by spice traders who robbed the dead in order to protect themselves against the plague. They’d take it internally and rub the oils all over their bodies. Diffusing Thieves Essential Oil will also kill 99% of airborne bacteria in 12 minutes.

Essential oils are the natural, aromatic volatile liquids found in shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds. They can be thought of as nature´s living energy. Today, essential oils are used for aromatherapy, nutritional supplements, massage therapy, diffusing, emotional health, personal care, beauty products, household cleaning, repelling insects, and much more.

Essential oils are volatile organic chemical compounds in the plant to protect the plant from outside threats − whether it’s bacteria, viruses, fungus, or even vectors like flies, bees, whatever that might attack the plant. There is no nutrition in it, there is no vitamins or minerals.

A Little Chemistry

Phenols, which are a specific type of molecular compound found in many essential oils offer a host of cleansing properties. Phenols create conditions where unfriendly viruses and bacteria cannot live. In addition to their antimicrobial abilities, phenols also promote hormonal balance and healthy bodily function. Their most important feature is that they clean the receptor sites on the cells. If the receptor sites aren’t clean, cells can’t communicate, and with lack of communication your body ends up malfunctioning and sickness sets in.

Monoterpenes are a specific type of molecular compound found in most essential oils and offer a host of healing properties. The absolute, most important property of the Monoterpene is its magical ability to REPROGRAM mis-written information in the cellular memory, or DNA. What happens when there is incorrect coding in the DNA? Simply put, the cells malfunction and the body falls sick. Monoterpenes can also be spiritually elevating by stimulating the pineal gland. They are strong supporters of the immune system and boost the body’s natural defenses.

Sesquiterpenes are a specific type of molecular compound found in certain essential oils that deliver oxygen to the cells. Since the size of the molecules of essential oils are extremely tiny, essential oils have the unique ability to cross the blood-brain barrier unlike drugs or chemotherapy. Oils high in sesquiterpenes can be beneficial in brain related issues like loss of memory. Sesquiterpenes also aid in ERASING and DEPROGRAMMING mis-written code in cellular memory. Sesquiterpenes have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and immune stimulating properties. When essential oils high in sesquiterpenes are inhaled, there is increased activity in the pineal, pituitary and hypothalamus glands, thereby increasing output of growth hormone and melatonin. Additionally, more endorphins are secreted, which may increase the antibodies in our systems.

To understand how monoterpenes can restore proper programming after the phenols have cleansed the receptor sites, and the sesquiterpenes have deleted cellular misinformation, it is important to realize that essential oils act as a channel between the physical body and the body’s electromagnetic field. Suffice to say that our physical bodies are secondary to and reflections of our subtle bodies composed of light and field energy.

All three compounds (phenols, monoterpenes, and sesquiterpenes) work individually and as a whole to help bring the body back to a state of equilibrium and balance.

Extraction of Oils

Essential oils are extracted from plant leaves, roots, flowers, seeds, bark, wood, resin, and fruit. Methods for extracting essential oils from plant are steam distillation and cold press extraction. Essential oils are extremely concentrated, up to 70x stronger than herbs. For example, 1 drop of peppermint oil is as powerful as 28 cups of peppermint tea.

Since essential oils are extremely small in size, they are HIGHLY concentrated. One drop of essential oil contains 40 million-trillion molecules. We have 100 trillion cells in our body, so one drop of essential oil has enough molecules to cover 40,000 molecules. Hence a little goes a long way when using essential oils. One does not have to use a lot when applying or ingesting pure, genuine essential oils.

Medicinal Properties

Each essential oil has many medicinal properties, they vary depending on the oil. Here is a list of common essential oil medicinal properties:

  • Antibacterial
  • Analgesic (pain relief)
  • Antidepressant
  • Antifungal
  • Antiviral
  • Antibiotic
  • Digestive
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Relaxant
  • Antioxidant
  • Decongestant
  • Anti-parasitic
  • Antiseptic
  • Antispasmodic
  • Astringent
  • Diuretic
  • Immune Support
  • Sedative
  • Expectorant
  • Stimulant
  • Disinfectant

3 Methods To Use Essential Oils

Aromatic: When essential oils are inhaled through the nose, aromatic molecules are carried through the lining of the nasal cavity via tiny olfactory nerves, located in the roof of the inner nose, to the part of the brain called the limbic system. The limbic system in turn influences the endocrine system and the autonomic nervous system.

The endocrine system is a major regulatory force in the body. It consists of glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream; these hormones act as chemical mediators to regulate many bodily functions including mood, metabolism, and growth and development.

The autonomic nervous system operates, for the most part, below the level of our awareness. It connects the brain and spinal cord to the limbs and organs and directs, via electrical impulse, basic instinctive bodily functions such as heart rate, digestion, respiration rate, salivation, perspiration, and sexual response.

While it may seem counterintuitive, inhalation can be the most direct method of delivery for the healing components in oils. Through the nasal cavity, the chemical messengers have direct access to the brain and can go straight to work on the systems that moderate the body.

The most common way to utilize essential oils is through aromatherapy, simply smelling the aroma and inhaling it in through your nasal passages and into your lungs. This is a highly effective way to reap the benefits of essential oils.

Aromatherapy can be achieved by simply smelling essential oils from the bottle, using a diffuser, making essential oil sprays and spritzing in your environment or through nasal inhaler.

Topically: The second method is by applying to skin. You can do this neat (undiluted) or by diluting your essential oils first before applying. This method is great for local relief of an aliment or for generalized use. Applying to the bottom of the feet will get the oils into your bloodstream. An easy way to apply topically is with roller bottles. Just add 15-30 drops of your favorite oil or oil blend then fill rest of bottle with carrier oil and roll on where the oil is needed.

When essential oils are applied to the skin, their healing components are absorbed into the bloodstream. From there they disperse to the specific organs and systems on which they work. Some of the essential oils’ components, carried via the bloodstream, can also pass through the blood-brain barrier to the limbic system in the brain, where they can influence the endocrine and autonomic nervous systems.

Whether inhaled or applied topically, essential oils can help bring about fundamental changes in physical, mental and emotional wellbeing by triggering, and strengthening, our bodies’ own natural responses.

Using Carrier Oils for Topical Application

There are so many but these are  few suggestions:

1. Coconut oil is great because it’s so versatile
2. Jojoba because it’s unscented
3. Rosehips oil or Argan for face care

If you are unsure if an essential oil requires dilution, dilute at least 50% with ANY carrier oil. That means for every 1 drop of essential oil use 1 drop of carrier oil.

If it has a mild burning sensation, tingles, or just feels a little funny:
Dilute it more heavily or stop using it!
If you’re putting essential oil on children:
As a generality ALWAYS dilute essential oils when using them with children, but remember some essential oils are to be used with caution in children so I always recommend educating yourself.

Internal: Taking essential oils internally by ingestion can be very effective. Not all essential oils can be ingested though. Make sure your oils are high quality and labeled for internal use. Essential oils can be consumed in vegetable caps, putting in water or other drinks, dropping under tongue or adding into foods.

If you are thinking about using oils in your water, you need to invest in a glass water bottle.  Essential oils can break down plastics making it possible to ingest them.

You have the power to heal yourself, it is your birthright. And it is my mission to help you learn the many ways available to you.